Androgenetic Alopecia

For decades, researchers have widely accepted that hair loss can be caused by genetics or heredity. Hair loss or hair thinning caused by genetics is referred to as androgenetic alopecia. Heredity hair loss does not discriminate, affecting over 30 million women and 50 million men; however, the thinning occurs differently in men and women.

What Does Hereditary Hair Loss Look Like for a Man?

Male pattern baldness usually starts at the temples or crown of the head. The hair begins receding at the temples. Sometimes a patch of hair at the front of the hairline is left while a balding spot begins in the crown. As the hair continues to recede and thin, those areas widen to form a larger bald spot. Sometimes hair may be left around the sides and back of the head.

While male pattern hair loss may be more commonly recognized, and fashionably accepted, it can be extremely stressful and unwanted by those experiencing it.

What Does Hereditary Hair Loss Look Like for a Woman?

Women experience hereditary hair loss, or pattern hair loss, in a much different way. Hair thinning in women, female pattern hair loss, usually does not follow a specific pattern and does not result in baldness. Instead, diffusion occurs gradually, resulting in less volume and density in your hair. Hereditary hair thinning left untreated can result in more visible scalp than hair.

How Can You Treat Hereditary Pattern Hair Loss or Baldness ?

PREVENT: If you are predisposed to hereditary hair loss, begin slowing down that process by working to prevent its full onset. Our team of Hair and Scalp Specialists can evaluate your scalp and hair to rule out other possible factors contributing to hair thinning, determining the true health of your hair and scalp. We will develop a specific multitherapeutic protocol designed to help optimize your scalp health and slow the process of loss. Take your next step towards PREVENT.

RESTORE: If more of your scalp is visible than your hair, our proprietary, technologically advanced RESTORE solutions for men and for women can help give you back the hair and confidence you desire. Take your next step towards RESTORE.

If you’re not yet sure which treatment is right for you, answer these quick questions. We will help you determine your next step to finding a solution.