Watch Wigs for Kids on LIVE with Kelly and Michael

What an amazing week! We love all of the support coming to Wigs For Kids after the fabulous ‘cut’ that was made on LIVE with Kelly and Michael on Friday!

Jason Miller, donated his 27-inch-long “virgin” hair that had never been dyed, permed or chemically changed. Kelly and Michael actually found Jason on Craigslist and asked him to come on the show to donate his hair to us at Wigs for Kids! They gave him a full make-over and sent us his very long, gorgeous pony-tail! Watch the video here, or find the before and after photos on our Facebook page!

We are so blessed to have this amazing opportunity to build awareness for children suffering from hair loss. Thank you to Jason Miller who donated his hair and Kelly and Michael for the great show!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

Jeffrey Paul


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