Enhance Your Shine!

Do you ever feel like your hair is lacking shine or just dull looking? Friends, you are not alone! When speaking to women, lack of shine is one of the most common problems they have with their hair. So, here are two tips on how to get back that shiny hair you desire…and deserve! 

1. Use the right kind of brush – A brush that is made with a combination of Mongolian Boar and bristles, will help your hair’s natural oils to be distributed equally and throughout each strand, making your hair silky smooth.

2. Know what type of hair you have – The texture of your hair is very important when selecting products that will not only repair hair, but also help to add shine.

In the video above, watch as I demonstrate how using the right brush and the right type of product, based on your hair’s texture, will help add back the shine your hair has been lacking.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

Enhance Your Shine


Do you ever feel like your hair is just dull or really lacking shine? Don’t worry you are not alone. When speaking to women, hair with lack of shine is one of the most common problems women have with their hair. So here are two tips on how to get back that shiny hair you deserve.

1. Use the right kind of brush – A brush that is made with a combination of Mongolian Boar and bristles, will help your hair’s natural oils be able to be distributed equally and throughout each strand making your hair silky smooth.

2. Know what type of hair you have – The texture of your hair is very important when selecting products that will not only repair hair, but also help to add shine.

In the video above, watch as I demonstrate how using the right brush and the right type of product, based on your hair’s texture, will help add back the shine your hair has been lacking.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul