Peanut Butter Power Food


Lets ring in 2014 with a homemade super food recipe, peanut butter! This powerful protein fills you up and helps fight off those tempting cravings. It is packed full of nutrients like vitamin E, potassium, and vitamin B6. And, most importantly, peanut butter has fats, but heart healthy monounsaturated fats.

To make this tasty treat at home combine the following and mix together using your Vitamix:

  • 2 cups lightly salted peanuts
  • 2 Tbsp organic cane sugar

Thank you Marisa for this great recipe! For more information on Marisa and great recipes, visit her blog! You can find more healthy recipes on my health and wellness section here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Marisa DiCenso Pelser smallMarisa Dicenso-Pelser – Marisa is one of the Founders and Head Trainers for Pure Health and Fitness. Marisa is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer, and Nationally Qualified Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, they are spreading the word of the importance of plant-based raw food nutrition as well as fitness throughout Northeast Ohio.