• What Is ScalpCheck®


If you suffer from dandruff, excessive scalp itch, hair loss or thinning and oily hair, you’re not alone. Most people experience some degree of one or all of them. Don’t self-diagnose your own hair and scalp problems. ScalpCheck™ will reveal the true reason and help you put those issues behind you.

Our experts are trained in trichology, the study of the hair and scalp, and use ScalpCheck™ to  reveal the root cause of people’s conditions.

Recently, WKYC ran a special report by Senior Health Correspondent Monica Robins, who too was concerned about her itchy scalp and the hair loss she was experiencing. In the video above, she will take you through the ScalpCheck™ experience.

What Monica found, and more importantly, what you will find out about your scalp and hair could dramatically change your dandruff, itch and hair loss problem.

To learn more about ScalpCheck make sure to visit the ScalpCheck Page and to schedule your ScalpCheck™, please call (440) 333-8939 or click below: