• Adapting a Fresh, New Beauty Routine

Not all beauty routines are made equal and during this spring-cleaning season, it’s important to revamp your current beauty routine. Let’s start with the basics.

Water is a crucial part of our daily lives and beauty routines. Our skin and hair depend on it to stay healthy and moisturized. We need to use water in these routines…not just any water though. Some water that comes out of faucets contains harmful chemicals such as chlorine which can cause hair to turn a greenish tone and copper which can cause hair to have an orangish tint. Water that contains those chemicals will do more damage than good when it comes to skin and hair.  Including making hair more dry, brittle and creating more tangles. I suggest investing in a shower de-chlorinator.  For more tips on how a change in water can start your beauty routine off right…check out my video above!

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Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul