Crash Diets = Accidents for Hair

Jeffrey Paul - Crash DietsDr. Robert M. Bernstein, director of the New Hair Institute in New York City and in Fort Lee, New Jersey, cites crash diets and anemia as two potential underlying factors on a long list of those that may contribute to hair loss and that should be ruled out by medical evaluation before embarking on finding the right solution. Limiting nutrients by crash dieting or dieting too severely can rob hair follicles of what they need to survive. If you are experiencing thinning or loss and have been crash dieting, change to a nutritionally sound program as quickly as you can and follow up with a nutritionist or doctor. And if you are anemic, make sure you are getting enough iron, which has a strong impact on your hair’s good health. You should certainly see your doctor or nutritionist for their recommended dosage of iron for your circumstances.

To find more information on causes of hair loss and the solutions please check out my book, Women’s Hair Solutions to Thinning and Loss. My book will empower you with the knowledge you need to take the best possible action to correct your problem and reclaim your confidence. Also, for some healthy hair, and body, recipes refer to chapter 15.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

Jeffrey Paul

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