Avoiding Puffy Eyes

“Jeffrey, when I wake up in the morning after I’ve done everything for the family, I get up and my eyes are all swollen. How do I get rid of my swollen eyes” – Noel K. 

That is a great question! You could invest in an eye gel mask or simply purchase a bag of frozen peas or corn. Place the bag on the top of your eyes, lay back and relax for a few minutes! By cooling those eyes down the blood supply will return back to the eye area and the swelling will go down!

Please continue to send in your questions below or on our Facebook page!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Wake Up Hair, The Right Way!

If you are a coffee drinker in the morning, you know what it’s like, or you’re like, when you don’t get that cup of coffee to help you wake up. Just like you, your hair needs a wake-up call to help get the “bed head” and the tangles out. One of the most important things you can do before stepping into the shower is to precondition hair. By doing this preconditioning step you will help start the day for your hair with a great foundation. In this video I walk you through the process step by step, but it’s really quite simple. Make sure to:

  1. Section Hair
  2. Mix Conditioner and water into a water bottle and sprits onto hair
  3. Brush through your hair

And that’s it! You’ll be amazed at how much of a difference this short process will make! For more beauty tips daily connect with me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul