Another Exclusive Subscriber Benefit!

I hope that you are truly enjoying all the great posts on my Blog!

As a subscriber you receive the benefits of not only great education, but also promotions each month (Check your email, on Monday, for your July promotion). This month I have decided to give our subscribers an additional benefit!

On  Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:00pm we will be offering a FREE styling workshop. This 90 minute workshop will take place at our salon. At this workshop we will be going over the benefits and improved upon uses of the Beautiful Hair products, as well as going over some simple summer up-dos for you to do on your own.

Because you are a subscriber I am giving you the opportunity to sign up early for this class BEFORE it is even offered to any of our other guests. The class will be limited to only 25 participants and will fill up quickly. You can either call to sign up or email our front desk team.  And best of all, if you pre-register you will receive 20% off any items purchased the night of the workshop. Make sure you call, or email, today to reserve your spot!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul

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