• Wellness Series: How to Live Pain Free – Part 2

Here is the second installment of my Wellness Series on “How to Live Pain Free.” Did you know that your posture can even affect your breathing? And if you are not getting the right amount of oxygen, it can lead to a host of problems, including making you feel fatigued? Watch this video to experience Mark Roozen’s, our strength and conditioning coach, first exercise to living a pain free life.

  1. Take a stick and place your hand on each end.
  2. Bring your shoulders back by rotating the stick around your head.
  3. Repeat this motion going the other direction.

By doing this motion at home or in your office, it should help straighten your posture and stretch out your back, giving you more energy for your day.

Stay tuned to next week, when I show you the next video in this series. For more health and wellness tips, make sure to subscribe to my blog. For more information on Mark Roozen, please visit his blog.

Remember… Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

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