• Encouraging inner and outer beauty

This week we’ve talked about taking time to concentrate on ourselves, which we tend to forget at times.  In those times that you need encouragement for both inner and outer beauty, we want to help you.  Here are some tools we think you might find useful – whether it’s internal or external – to help you look and feel beautiful!

The Confident Woman Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations  by Joyce Meyer  

We all need those daily reminders sometime.  In this book, author Joyce Meyer gives great tips on some tough problems that we all face from time to time, ranging from self-image to confidenceissues.  This daily devotional will surely help us keep what matters in perspective – living an abundant life one day at a time.

2016 Instant Happy Notes Boxed Calendar

We know some days are just busy, so if you don’t have time to sit down and read, just take a few seconds to read the motivational messages on this daily calendar.  They are fun, inspiring, and provide the perfect amount of affirmations that we need.  Just stick it on your desk at work or by your mirror at home.  Even these little snippets can serve as great reminders to remember the beauty surrounding us!  

This is one of my all-time favorite books!  This books helps you narrow down and focus on what truly matters in both your personal and professional lives.  In today’s world, we can get overwhelmed by daily demands – what’s expected of us, what we should have done, what we need to do, and the list just continues.  In this book, you will find that by taking ONE thing and pouring your energy into it, your productivity will pay off dividends.  So, check out this book, let go of the age-old notion of taking on every task you’re presented with, and choose ONE thing to work on at a time.  You, your family, and colleagues will be thankful!

For more inspiration, beauty tips, and product knowledge please follow me on:

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Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul