Giving Back Beauty – Inside & Out!


Did you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month? Did you know that about 1 in 8 U.S. women (just under 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime?

For a woman losing a breast can be devastating, but the effects of chemotherapy associated with trying to overcome breast cancer can lead to hair loss, which for a woman can be even more devastating. Just ask one of my guest’s at Jeffrey Paul Salon, Kristin, who is a Breast Cancer survivor. Kristin put the experience of losing her hair’ from breast cancer, this way,

Screen Shot 2013-10-09 at 9.35.37 AM“Losing my breast was not really the issue. My hair was – as a woman it’s a big part of how people view you… Jeffrey Paul, and his team, gave me back the feeling of beauty both on the inside and with my hair!

To watch Kristin’s makeover story on the solution she found for her hair loss, due to breast cancer, please click here.

Cancer, in one form or another, touches each of our lives. This month, to show support, help make someone you know aware of the solutions for their hair loss associated with cancer by sharing Kristin’s story and having them email me for a free consultation. By doing so you can give back the feeling of beauty both on the inside and out!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Beyond Shine – 102

There’s nothing worse than hair just staying put! Hairspray and other products will help with this, but the key is the proper use of these products.  Aquage’s Beyond Shine spray is the perfect solution to give hair that finishing shine and the ability to move!

In this video I show you the proper use of Aquage’s Beyond Shine spray so you can achieve a beautiful look each and every time! Remember to spray at arms length and break hair up with your fingers to make hair shine!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Hairspray 101 – “Good Vs. Bad”

Not all hairsprays are created equal, in fact not all hair sprays are created for the same purpose! Using the correct spray is so important to a successful finished look, especially for a look that you need to last through the entire day.

In the video above I explain the difference in types of hair spray products and what they are used for. I also suggest three products that will make your life easier and your hair more radiant! If you’re looking to create a structured look, we suggest a holding spray by Jeffrey Paul. For a gorgeous shine we suggest Beyond Shine by Aquage, and finally for a fabulous finish I love Aquage’s finishing spray.

For daily beauty tips connect with me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

Jeffrey Paul 

“My Hair Never Looks Like When My Stylist Does It!”

This is the biggest complaint that salons and hair stylists hear all over the world. We have heard this complaint and are doing something about it!

This Tuesday, May 21st at 6:00pm we will be taking 25 guests through a hands on training of not only how to prepare their hair for styling, but also how to create the finished looks that they want and get when they leave the salon.