Establishing a New Habit
As we’ve been thinking this week about the importance of establishing a daily habit of quietness, reflection, and prayer, we stepped back to think about what makes our own quiet moments special. These are some of our favorite helping tools for quiet time, perhaps they’ll help you too.

There isn’t much in life that music doesn’t enhance, don’t you agree? This is an album of soft, sacred music perfectly arranged to create an ambiance for just the kind of quiet moments I talked about in the video earlier this week. Perhaps you have your own preferred genre, I encourage you to pick a particular album and reserve it just for this quiet time.

This is a great journal because it not only gives a place to record your thoughts and prayers, but it’s designed to help you make this a daily habit (they’ve even included a wrist band to wear as a reminder!). Taking a moment, after you spend time in reflection and prayer, to jot down your thoughts can be incredibly powerful when you go back through the pages at a later date.

Perhaps you’re new to daily quiet time, not sure what to say or how to pray. Gratitude is a wonderful place to begin. Here is a year’s worth of prompts and questions to help you each day as you reflect on all that you have to be grateful for. Practicing gratitude is highly recommended by many to shape a more positive outlook and healthier demeanor.
I would love to hear, do you have a daily habit of quiet reflection and prayer? What helps have you found to make this a meaningful time?
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Remember…Beauty Begins Within