Hairspray 101 – Proper Use of Hairspray

What’s the key to using hairspray like a professional? Most people don’t even realize that there is a “correct” way! Well, other than using high quality products, the most important factor in hairspray application is the distance at which you are spraying your hair. Why? Because the manufacture creates the bottle to spray moisture for 12 inches. If you are closer than 12 inches, it means you are getting too much accelerant (the ingredient that pushes the spray out of bottle) and residual product on the hair. This, in turn, can cause dryness and those dreaded white flakes.

In order to get the most desired effects from your hair spray product, you need to hold your arm out straight, at approximately 12 inches from your head, and then spray. Work the product into your hair with your hands or a brush, and then spray again!

In this video I walk you through the detailed steps on what you may be doing wrong and show the correct way to use hairspray like a pro!

For additional beauty tips, please click here.

Remember… Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

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An Updo Is For You Too!

Beauty Wedding Hairstyle. Bride. Brunette Girl With Curly Hair S

At my hair restoration center, my team and I specialize in helping women restore their hair that has begun to thin or has been lost. I find that my guests don’t necessarily want to stand out with the highest fashion looks, but instead want to look “normal” again. My team and I strive to help our guests not only get back to feeling normal… but more importantly feeling beautiful.

Recently one of my hair restoration specialists, Megan, came to me with a story about a guest she had seen who was struggling with Trichotillomania. Megan explained that our guest had been invited to a formal event and wanted an updo to compliment the gown she planned to wear. She did not feel comfortable going to a regular salon, so her doctor referred her to our center. The guest not only walked out looking beautiful, but more importantly she truly felt special… instead of just normal.

Are You Beautiful or Average?

Would you describe yourself as beautiful? According to Dove, 96 percent of women wouldn’t. In order to get a closer look at this shocking statistic, the brand headed to five global cities — San Francisco, Shanghai, Delhi, London, and São Paulo — to capture women considering their own beauty.

As many of you know, I end each of my posts with “beauty begins within,” because I truly believe that it does. I see so many beautiful women whose beauty is outstanding, but hidden by fear of rejection or ridicule. It hurts my heart that these women can’t see what we see, and that’s why I’ve dedicated my life to helping them see their true beauty. When life gets you down, remember the following:

Avoiding Puffy Eyes

“Jeffrey, when I wake up in the morning after I’ve done everything for the family, I get up and my eyes are all swollen. How do I get rid of my swollen eyes” – Noel K. 

That is a great question! You could invest in an eye gel mask or simply purchase a bag of frozen peas or corn. Place the bag on the top of your eyes, lay back and relax for a few minutes! By cooling those eyes down the blood supply will return back to the eye area and the swelling will go down!

Please continue to send in your questions below or on our Facebook page!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Hairspray 101 – “Proper Use of Hairspray”

What’s the key to using hairspray like a professional? You probably didn’t even know there was a ‘correct’ way! Well, other than using high quality products, it’s the most important factor in hairspray application is the distance at which you are spraying your hair! Why? Because the manufacture creates the bottle to spray moisture for 12 inches and if you are closer than 12 inches it means you are getting too much accelerant (the ingredient that pushes the spray out of bottle) and residual product on the hair. This in turn can cause dryness and those dreaded white flakes.

In order to get the most desired affects from your hair spray product, you need to hold your arm out straight, at approximately 12 inches from your head and then spray! Work the product into your hair with your hands or a brush and then spray again!

In this video I walk you through the detailed steps on what you may be doing wrong and show the correct way to use hairspray like a pro!

For daily beauty tips connect with me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

Jeffrey Paul