Is Towel Drying My Hair Damaging It?

You may be damaging your hair in the worse way possible. How you ask? From the friction you create when towel drying your hair. When you dry your hair with a normal bath towel, in a rubbing fashion, the loops in that soft towel cause friction and tangles which leads to breakage and cuticle damage.  So how can you dry your hair?

Simple! By using the right micro fiber towel and the right technique for drying will leave your hair almost 80 percent dryer while still leaving enough moisture to keep hair healthy.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

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Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

How NOT to Waste Product

JP_Hands_9_5_13Do you ever feel like you are using endless amount of shampoo, conditioner or other hair products? You are spending a fortune on buying products only to feel like you go through them quicker and quicker.

One of the biggest culprits for wasted product is overuse due to not emulsifying product. What is emulsifying a product? That is a great question!

Most people hop in the shower grab their bottle of shampoo, squeeze it in their hands and apply it directly to their hair. The problem with this is that the product is unable to spread properly which means the individual either has one very clean section of hair or has to go back and use more product to get the rest of their hair clean.

Next time you hop in the shower and grab the bottle of shampoo or conditioner; or are styling your hair with your favorite styling aid make sure to do the following:

1. Squeeze the correct amount of product into your hands based on the length and type of hair texture.

2. Emulsify product by rubbing your hands together, as if you were trying to warm your hands up, spreading the product through your hands and fingers and also warming the product up.

3. Then using your fingers evenly spread the product through your hair.

Seems simple, but I will guarantee that not only will your hair have better results you will also save money by not wasting product!

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

 Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul

How You Can Determine Your Face Shape

Heart shapedNo two faces are the same, each and everyone of us has a unique beauty that should be framed with a gorgeous style! What style best brings out YOUR beauty? That depends on the shape of your face. Have you figured out what kind of shape your face is? Well, this might be a good idea to know and understand because it can help your appearance.

Take a head-and-shoulders photo of yourself while your hair is pulled back away from your face and hairline. Make sure the photo shows the full width of your shoulder-span to put your face shape and position into perspective. Then take a red permanent marker and draw neatly and directly along the outline of your face in the photo. Hold it next to the diagram of face shape samples to determine which face shape you have. Most of us are combinations, but this will serve as a general guide.

SquareThen examine (you can do this initially with your stylist if it makes you more comfortable) the following descriptions of which styles could be most flattering to your face shape and shoulder-span and most conducive to your lifestyle, and which colors might be most complementary to your skin tone. Use this as a basis to explore further styling options.

To give you a better idea of styles that will suit your face shape, check out my post Determine Your Face Shape. 

For more beauty tips connect with me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Younger Looking Hair

HandinhandThis past weekend I had the great pleasure of spending time with my first granddaughter who is turning one! As I was playing with her she placed her hand in mine and I recognized how soft her baby skin was compared to mine.

Everyone knows the feel of a baby’s skin. The skin is soft, plump and filled with moisture – this is due to the skins natural occurring Sodium PCA which acts as a moisture retention agent. As an individual gets older Sodium PCA becomes less and less causing skin to become dry and tight.

Because hair has very similar characteristics to skin, when we specifically formulated our Beautiful Hair Care System one of the main ingredients we used in our Moisturizing Conditioner was Sodium PCA. This ingredient helps retain moisture in the hair. As moisture is retained, the shine of hair increase, tangles are reduced, hair is more manageable, color is deeper and richer, and best of all dryness is gone giving you the look you desire.

Women all around the world spend millions of dollars each year trying to find products that make their hair and skin look and feel younger and softer. Hair products promise to do many things but you can’t always “judge a book by its cover”… it’s more important to know what is in the products you use and why those ingredients are important to giving you the look you desire.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Do You Want Salon Soft Hair?

Do you wonder how you can get salon soft hair at home? Simple! The secret is to pre-condition your hair, before your regular shampooing! This helps eliminate tangles when shampooing hair. If hair is tangled when shampooing you are not getting clean hair and you are going to create breakage in hair because of snarling of the tangles.

This is what you can do BEFORE you get into the shower to help condition hair while also removing tangles to get salon soft hair:

1. Get a water bottle and put a small amount of conditioner into a spray bottle of water. Shake really well.

2. Section your hair and then spray the pre-conditioner onto hair above and below the sectioned hair.

3. Comb through hair using a Wet Brush to help eliminate tangles.

4. Then let it sit while you get ready to get in the shower.

As an extra little bonus my video also shows you the keys to applying Protein Treatment and Moisturizing Conditioner the right way.

For more beauty tips and product knowledge please connect with me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 


Which Products Do I Use – Why? (Part 2)


Protein, Protein, Protein! Every product today seems to talk about protein. Why is this and are all proteins created equally?

Hair is made up of 97% protein. So protein in hair is extremely important especially when it comes to repairing damaged hair. Think of hair as being very similar to a road… the smoother the road the better. 9 out of every 10 guests who come in, both at my salon as well as at all salons, have some form of damaged hair and thus all of those guests desperately need protein in their hair.


Damaged hair is caused by a few different factors including: mechanical stress factors (hot styling tools), chemical stress factors (color services) and climatic stress factors (sun/chlorine). With this damage the hair is left dry, tangled and broken. By placing the right protein into the hair the protein acts to repair hair and make hair once again smooth.

There are two factors I looked at when formulating my Beautiful Hair Protein Treatment: Type of Protein (size of molecule) & Percentage of Protein. These two factors determine how long it will take for the protein to work as well as how much repair will be made to the hair.

For my Protein Treatment we used the highest quality Silk Amino Acid Protein. Here are the three most commonly used proteins found in products.

Which Products Do I Use – Why?

WenQuestionProducts“I am certain that you have heard about “WEN®” products.  I would think the products would work great with the integrative hair system I have.  What do you think?”   ~Susan H. 

Susan, thank you for your great question! It is so very important to know what you are putting in your hair and how it affects your hair not just in the short run, but more importantly in the long run!

My five Beautiful Hair products are formulated to be used on both hair systems (including extensions and wigs) as well as on growing hair. When I designed these products I worked with a manufacturer to put together the highest quality product with the best ingredients possible. I did this in order for our hair care system to achieve the three greatest wants of my guests.

  1. To get the most natural look out of their hair and hair system
  2. To have the hair system last as long as possible and stay in the best possible condition.
  3. To be able to have our guests get the results we achieve in our salon – at home, on their own.

Avoiding Puffy Eyes

“Jeffrey, when I wake up in the morning after I’ve done everything for the family, I get up and my eyes are all swollen. How do I get rid of my swollen eyes” – Noel K. 

That is a great question! You could invest in an eye gel mask or simply purchase a bag of frozen peas or corn. Place the bag on the top of your eyes, lay back and relax for a few minutes! By cooling those eyes down the blood supply will return back to the eye area and the swelling will go down!

Please continue to send in your questions below or on our Facebook page!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Ask Jeffery—Longer Eye Lashes

“Jeffrey, how can I make my eye lashes look like those commercials where the eye lashes get bigger, broader and wider?” –Lauren

What a great question! The key is to having fabulous full lashes is to use a clean, makeup free, mascara brush. After applying a layer of good mascara—while the mascara is still wet—take the clean wand and extend the mascara even further! Also remember to wash your mascara off before bed so they look beautiful each morning!

Thank you for sending in your questions and continue to post them below or on our Facebook page!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Beyond Shine – 102

There’s nothing worse than hair just staying put! Hairspray and other products will help with this, but the key is the proper use of these products.  Aquage’s Beyond Shine spray is the perfect solution to give hair that finishing shine and the ability to move!

In this video I show you the proper use of Aquage’s Beyond Shine spray so you can achieve a beautiful look each and every time! Remember to spray at arms length and break hair up with your fingers to make hair shine!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Chlorine – Hair’s Biggest Enemy!

7.11 IMAGEOver 85% of the population in the U.S., according to the Water Quality Association, are bathing with hard water. While hard water is fine for drinking; it can cause many problems for your hair, scalp and skin. There are many elements found in hard water that can cause problems for your hair – The worst of these elements is Chlorine.

One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to combat the effects of hard water is to install a shower filtration system. A filtered shower can effectively filter out up to 99% of the chlorine and other harmful substances in the hard water and balance the PH level – leaving you with clean, fresh water to wash your hair and skin.

How Chlorine Affects Hair:
• Can cause hair to feel gummy when wet and straw-like when dry.
• Can damage the cuticle and proteins of the hair.
• Chlorine can cause hair to feel dry.
• Can cause hair to become brittle and take away shine
• Can cause air and sun to oxidize hair causing discoloration or darkening of hair color.
Chlorine not only has the above effects on hair and skin but it also attracts other minerals onto the hair, causing the worst effects of those minerals. Among those minerals are Iron, which can cause blonde hair to turn orange and cause dark hair to turn a darker tint, and Copper, which can cause blonde hair to turn greenish and also causes dryness.

Shower filters will fit on to most shower heads and are very easy to install. Many come with a multi-spray setting shower head, helping you to eliminate chlorine from your water while still enjoying the stress-reducing benefits of a relaxing shower. These filters also eliminate dirt and sediments. Installing a shower filter is a wise and easy step to take in protecting and prolonging the life and beauty of your hair or hair system!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

Jeffrey Paul

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Ask Jeffrey – Using The Protein Treatment

“Jeffrey, do I need to use the Protein Treatment every time that I shampoo my hair?” – Julie B.

What a great question! And the answer is….absolutely Yes!  If you shampoo your hair without treating it as well you are leaving your hair more susceptible to damage than it was prior to washing! In this video I explain the details behind the protein treatment and the danger your hair is exposed to if you do not use it every time that you shampoo your hair!

Thank you for the fabulous question Julie, please ask more!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

Jeffrey Paul

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Beauty Tips – Beyond Shine 101

Aquage’s Beyond Shine spray is a wonderful solution to create a gorgeous shine, even for dry, temperamental hair like yours, or like our lovely model Maxie! This water-soluble product is the perfect way to style your hair this summer!

In this video I show you how to use Aquage’s Beyond Shine, water-soluble spray. Using this technique you will be rocking a beautiful, straight style even on the most humid day of the summer!

For more beauty tips connect with me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

Jeffrey Paul 

Determine Your Face Shape

Knowing your individual face shape important while styling your hair, whether or not you are experiencing hair loss. Below I put together a list of the eight most common face shapes, I’ve also included my tips (as a stylists) for the best hair style for each shape.

Characteristics: Wide chin and narrow forehead.
The Goal: You guessed it – narrow the chin and widen the forehead.
Pick a style with full volume at the sides to balance your face shape. Wear hair full at the temples, brushed away from the face and up toward the ear to widen the forehead. From the ear, angle your hair forward, toward the chin, to soften and narrow a strong jaw. Chin length or longer will look best.


Characteristics: Consult your local baseball field – narrow to near points at forehead and chin, wider at cheeks.
The Goal: Fill in across the top and bottom to an extentso you can really sparkle.
Framing is a girl’s best friend in your case: consider styles that keep hair close to the head at the cheekbone line to create fullness across the jaw and forehead. Styles that lift away from your cheeks or move back from your hairline should be avoided.


Characteristics: Wide, with full cheeks and a circular form. Ready for winter.
The Goal:Make your face look slimmer; lengthen or narrow your features.
You may need a style that helps make your face look slightly thinner. Below-the-chin styles should be worn with a face-lengthening center part. Above the chin-line, wear an off-center part. Keep a little height at the crown of your head and slim your face by keeping your forehead uncluttered – in other words, no bangs. In a short, angled style, wear hair away from the face, and add a little height at the crown to lengthen the look of your features. If you do wear bangs. Tousle them toward the side. Keep longer styles close to the face.

Characteristics: Wide brow, full and prominent cheekbones and a narrow chin.
The Goal: Narrow your forehead, widen your jaw line.
You may have the look of love, but you might want to try reducing the width of your forehead by parting your hair in the center and flipping bangs upward or styling your hair slanted to one side with a side part. You can also help to make the lower part of your face look a little wider to balance out your proportions by styling your hair at shoulder length or turned under the chin; mid-length will work best for you. Create   fullness at the bottom and direct hair forward onto the cheeks, or try some curls or   waves from the ears down.

Characteristics: Long, thin face with a pointy chin
The Goal:Shorten things.
Try a low side part with a sweep of hair brushed diagonally across the forehead and gently combed in place. A voluminous look with an asymmetric hair flow to one side will create the illusion of width over length, as will straight bangs or bangs blended with the sides of your hair.
Mid-neck length will look best on you and style with curls, waves and volume will look flattering.

Characteristics: Noticeably wider at the jaw than the forehead, but still sweet.
The Goal: Balancing act.
You thought the “pear-shaped” distinction was reserved only for figure references. Not so. Your hair should be styled fairly close to the top of your head with a fringe of curls and bangs, combined with fullness at the sides, to make your forehead appear to be a little wider and to add balance.


Characteristics: Angular jaw, square brow, both nearly the same width.
The Goal:Soften the sharp jaw angle and minimize your squared brow line.
Your style should lift off your forehead. If you brush it forward at the temples and jaw line, it will lend your face shape some necessary narrowness and softness. You can wear wispy bangs. Your face goes perfectly with asymmetrical styles, so all you remaining die-hard ‘80s new wave fans can happily stay in your element and look great doing so, as some of these styles are back in vogue with a softer edge. We’ll stop the world and melt with you. Walk away – we’ll follow.


Characteristics: Perfectly symmetrical.
The Goal: Don’t worry, be happy.
Lucky girl! The Oval face is the “perfect” face shape. You can wear almost any hairstyle. For long styles, a classic look is a center or side part with hair touching your shoulders. A short, layered look with curls and a close extended nape would work nicely too. Long, short, up, or in your face – they all look just right with your perfectly symmetrical face shape. Just don’t let it
go to your head.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within
– Jeffrey Paul

 Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Another Exclusive Subscriber Benefit!

I hope that you are truly enjoying all the great posts on my Blog!

As a subscriber you receive the benefits of not only great education, but also promotions each month (Check your email, on Monday, for your July promotion). This month I have decided to give our subscribers an additional benefit!

On  Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:00pm we will be offering a FREE styling workshop. This 90 minute workshop will take place at our salon. At this workshop we will be going over the benefits and improved upon uses of the Beautiful Hair products, as well as going over some simple summer up-dos for you to do on your own.

Because you are a subscriber I am giving you the opportunity to sign up early for this class BEFORE it is even offered to any of our other guests. The class will be limited to only 25 participants and will fill up quickly. You can either call to sign up or email our front desk team.  And best of all, if you pre-register you will receive 20% off any items purchased the night of the workshop. Make sure you call, or email, today to reserve your spot!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest