Linsey’s Story – Attachment Method Options

Friends, meet Linsey, one of our former Hair Loss Makeover Winners. After she went through a private consultation, we were able to determine the best solution for her hair loss.

In order to further determine the best custom designed solution for Linsey, or anyone who comes in to Jeffrey Paul Salon, we must determine Linsey’s lifestyle to choose which attachment method would be best suited for her needs.

In the video above I will take you through the various options, as well as some facts, about the two types of attachment methods. These two attachment methods include the following:

Watch Vicki’s Solution to Early Stage Hair Loss

Watch the video above to learn why Vicki says, “My experience with this whole process has been amazing! I can’t tell you how much my self-esteem is up and how happy this has made me. It just means so much!”

Vicki, a 55-year-old dental assistant, tried finding solutions to her hair thinning and loss – including wigs. But nothing seemed to give her the natural look she wanted. When Vicki decided to get a professional assessment of her hair thinning and loss, she opened up doors for herself that she didn’t even know existed!

For more information on Vicki’s story, read here.

If you would like to learn more about the right solution for your individual hair loss, please email or call me  to set up a private and personal consultation with one of my consultation specialists. Or, to get your free copy of my Personal Hair Loss Evaluation eBook Guide, which helps determine your loss and best personalized solution, all you need to do is sign up for my blog!

Remember…Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

 Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

The Power of Your Words

One of the most powerful things in this world is none other than our words. The words that we surround ourselves with everyday have a much more larger impact than we could ever imagine.

When we speak something or hear something often enough, we begin to accept it as truth. That’s why it’s so important to remain positive and aware of our inner AND outer beauty on a daily basis. Positive thoughts need to be amplified! So, I have developed a three-step process that allows you to heal the inner parts of your being that have been hurt by the words of others or even by the words or thoughts of yourself.

Watch the video above to begin the process of metamorphosis!

Remember… Beauty & Change Begin Within,

Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest

Beauty Tips – What’s The Best Brush to Use?

Having the right tools for your hair and knowing how to use them correctly is one of the secrets to having beautiful hair. But when you have thin hair, it is even more important because you can cause greater breakage, limpness and flyaways, which adds up to be a “Bad Hair Day.”

In this video, I will show you what round brush is right to use for thin hair and how the professional uses it to get a fuller head of hair that will last, gibing you what you deserve – a “Beautiful Hair Day.”

Creating a Fresh, New Beauty Routine

Not all beauty routines are created equal, and it’s important to revamp your current beauty routine at times. Let’s review some of the basics.

Water is a crucial part of our daily lives and beauty routines. Our skin and hair depend on it to stay healthy and moisturized. We need to use water in these routines…not just any water though. Some water that comes out of faucets contains harmful chemicals such as chlorine which can cause hair to turn a greenish tone and copper which can cause hair to have an orangish tint. Water that contains those chemicals will do more damage than good when it comes to skin and hair, including making hair dry, brittle and creating more tangles. I suggest investing in a shower de-chlorinator.  For more tips on how a change in water can start your beauty routine off right…check out my video above!

For additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

Week 3: Curling and Reconditioning with Your GHD Styler Flat Iron

I hope you have enjoyed our GHD Styler Flat Iron Series and have been able to put the tips to good use! In today’s third and final segment, I am going to discuss How to Curl Your Hair with the GHD Styler Flat Iron and Touch Ups and Reconditioning with the GHD Styler Flat Iron.

If you want to go back and review the videos from this series, I have included them at the bottom of this post for your convenience.

Don’t forget – if you have any questions for me, leave them in the comments below. I am here to help you feel beautiful on the inside and out!

Remember… Beauty & Change begin within,

– Jeffrey Paul

GHD Styler Flat Iron Video Series:

Video 1: Introduction to the GHD Styler Flat Iron Series

Video 2What Not to Do with the GHD Styler Flat Iron

Video 3: Proper Ways to Use the GHD Styler Flat Iron

Video 4: How to Curl Hair with the GHD Styler Flat Iron

Video 5: Touch-Ups and Reconditioning with the GHD Styler Flat Iron

The Change of the Ugly Caterpillar

The most rewarding part of my job is watching someone whose self-image has diminished and then is transformed back into a vital, happy, radiant human being. When she looks into the mirror and sees herself as she once was – or as she has always wished to be – the joy in her eyes and beautiful face lights up a room! She’ll carry this confidence with her throughout her life, and she will experience a happiness like never before…both in her inner self and the outer self she presents to others. I have personally seen this happen time and time again, and it’s something that I will never tire of witnessing.

Upcoming Video Series: GHD Styler Flat Iron

Because I get so many questions and see so much damage from using the popular flat iron, I wanted to bring back a flat iron series I did a while back to help some of you learn (and as a reminder to others) how to properly use the flat iron to either straighten or curl your beautiful hair. And possibly to even recondition it!

Over the next three weeks, I will be sharing my 5-part video series with you to view and start applying to your own hair to get your best look this season! If you are too anxious, though, and want to see the videos sooner or have a certain technique that you want to try, I will post the links to all videos down below under “Upcoming Videos.”

Wax ONE for FREE?!


Many of our guests don’t know what we offer facial waxing services. We can take care of those bushy eye brows, your upper lip or chin with ease. Our wax services allow you to have longer lasting results, the precision you want and are much less painful compared to plucking those hairs…oneatatime!

This month we don’t want to just tell you that we can…we want to show you! We will wax ONE of your eye brows for FREE! Or, if you prefer precision and symmetry, we will wax both eye brows for $10.

Fun in the Sun!

It’s that time of year – lounging by the pool, soaking up the warmth of the sun, and just enjoying the beauty of another new season. But with all the relaxation comes some extra responsibilityIf you are an avid swimmer or just headed to the beach for the summer, there is a safe way to keep your hair protected from damage and from fading.

I want you to look yourself and live your life, and fear of sun damage shouldn’t interfere with your summer plans! Check out these two tips to help you enjoy the pool and the sun:

Encouraging inner and outer beauty

This week we’ve talked about taking time to concentrate on ourselves, which we tend to forget at times.  In those times that you need encouragement for both inner and outer beauty, we want to help you.  Here are some tools we think you might find useful – whether it’s internal or external – to help you look and feel beautiful!

The Confident Woman Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations  by Joyce Meyer  

We all need those daily reminders sometime.  In this book, author Joyce Meyer gives great tips on some tough problems that we all face from time to time, ranging from self-image to confidenceissues.  This daily devotional will surely help us keep what matters in perspective – living an abundant life one day at a time.

2016 Instant Happy Notes Boxed Calendar

Who You Are

beautifully made

Too often we are inundated with external messages that tell us who we should be. Pop culture tells us we should be thin and dressed in the latest fashions. Family and friends often expect that we should conform to a belief or career path. The “experts” have published title after title proclaiming all that we should be. It’s rare for these messages to tell the truth: that you’re a beautifully made creation.

Daily habit helpers

Establishing a New Habit

As we’ve been thinking this week about the importance of establishing a daily habit of quietness, reflection, and prayer, we stepped back to think about what makes our own quiet moments special. These are some of our favorite helping tools for quiet time, perhaps they’ll help you too.


There isn’t much in life that music doesn’t enhance, don’t you agree? This is an album of soft, sacred music perfectly arranged to create an ambiance for just the kind of quiet moments I talked about in the video earlier this week. Perhaps you have your own preferred genre, I encourage you to pick a particular album and reserve it just for this quiet time.

What Is Trichology and How Can It Help Your Hair Loss?

Beautiful nature at morning in the misty spring forest with sun

First, it is important to understand what Trichology is, in order to see how this study can help strengthen your existing hair and scalp and prevent against thin hair and hair loss in the future. Trichology is the study of the health of your hair and scalp. It is through this study that we are able to better determine the causes of hair fallout, hair breakage, and hair thinning as well as conditions with the scalp that can lead to both thin hair and hair loss.

All too often I meet men and women who are focusing on taking better care of their hair in order to have better quality hair or to maintain their hair for as long as possible. The missing link to this is that although taking care of your hair is very important it is of equal, if not of greater importance, to take care of your scalp.