Hair Loss Solutions TV™ Coming Soon

It’s almost go “live” time! If you have hair thinning or loss, if you’re wearing hair, or if you know someone who does, you’re going to love my new Hair Loss Solutions TV™ program. And it’s launching soon.

Watch the brief montage below to see some images from my time at the recording studio with my amazing co-host and Emmy® nominated journalist, Andrea Vecchio.  Then continue reading more below to see the All-Star lineup we have ready for you!

So, what is the Hair Loss Solutions TV™ program? I’m glad you asked! Imagine the most influential, knowledgeable, and successful leaders in the Hair Replacement world all gathered on one platform. Imagine women and children who have experienced the trauma of hair loss and the effect it has on their self-esteem, relationships, and outlook on life. Imagine they are all sharing their secrets, their strategies, their fears, their victories, and their ultimate message of hope – that You Are Not Alone!

Decoding the Common Beauty Product Label

Ever wonder what those little icons on your shampoo, skin care or makeup bottles mean?  If you’ve never taken the time to understand the common beauty product label, you may just be surprised at what’s hiding inside.

While today’s shoppers are smarter and better informed about food packaging labels, many are still unaware of some of the basic symbols used in labeling cosmetics and beauty products.  Knowing what these symbols mean is just as important for consumers as understanding similar packaging information on food in the grocery aisle.

All cosmetics and personal care products sold in the United States are required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be labeled with ingredients, including botanicals and chemicals used in manufacturing.  There are also universally recognizable symbols used for package labeling that provide more specific product contents and safety information.  Symbols indicating a product’s expiration date, organic makeup or even whether a company adheres to strict animal cruelty-free standards appear on every health and beauty product you use.

It’s important to note that if a product advertised as “organic” doesn’t carry an expiration date, it’s likely not entirely organic. The FDA has distributed information about the term “organic” as it pertains to cosmetics, which is available for public view.

Making sure you know what’s inside of the product you’re considering, as well as having a basic understanding of label symbols and their meanings will help you make a more informed purchase. Here’s a short list of a few of the most common symbols on the market today; recognize any?

Pregnancy and Hair Loss: From Glow to “Oh No!”

As we mentioned in our February newsletter, we’re celebrating the pregnancy of one of our stylists, Clair. She and her fiancé are expecting a baby boy in the coming months. This got us talking about pregnancy and its effects on hair and the scalp.

Many women look forward to the “glow” of pregnancy.  During this exciting time, higher levels of hormones can cause many physiological changes – bright, shiny skin and fast growing, fuller hair.  Increased estrogen in the body extends the growth phase of hair, resulting in reduced shedding and changes in texture which can make for seemingly fuller locks.

What Is Trichology and How Can It Help Your Hair Loss?

Beautiful nature at morning in the misty spring forest with sun

First, it is important to understand what Trichology is, in order to see how this study can help strengthen your existing hair and scalp and prevent against thin hair and hair loss in the future. Trichology is the study of the health of your hair and scalp. It is through this study that we are able to better determine the causes of hair fallout, hair breakage, and hair thinning as well as conditions with the scalp that can lead to both thin hair and hair loss.

All too often I meet men and women who are focusing on taking better care of their hair in order to have better quality hair or to maintain their hair for as long as possible. The missing link to this is that although taking care of your hair is very important it is of equal, if not of greater importance, to take care of your scalp.

Recognizing the 5 Signs of Hair Loss

5 Signs of Hair Loss

A woman’s hair is important to her. It is the frame that brings together all of the elements of her face. Hair has a language all its own. It tells the world whether you’re casual or businesslike, playful or serious. So looking down at her brush, and, for the first time, noticing strands of hair can send a woman into a panic. Immediately, she might wonder, “Am I experiencing hair loss, or merely losing a few strands?”

What Are Your Roots Telling You?


When you go to a salon, you expect to leave happy with the results you want. Typically when a woman seeks a solution for her hair loss, she wants to find a way to enhance what she sees and how she views herself. However, I want to be sure to focus on the root of the problem and what people don’t necessarily see.

Plants, trees, perhaps vegetables in your garden – all of these things have something in common: roots. Roots are their source for receiving nutrients, which in return help that living thing grow and remain thriving.

Similar to things that grow, hair has a root (otherwise known as a follicle), and if it’s not receiving the correct nutrients, it will cause hair to grow in thinner or quite possibly fall out. It’s essential to provide our bodies with fresh, natural foods and to maintain a healthy diet so that hair can continue to be strong, healthy and grow.

When deciding what nutrients are important to obtain on a regular basis, you should be sure of a few things:

1. Be sure to include foods or supplements contain essential fatty acids as well as antioxidants. By eating natural elements, you are encouraging your body to absorb crucial vitamins and minerals.

2. Are you getting the right combination of vitamins? For instance, Vitamins A, B and C as well as Omegas 3 and 6 help hair grow and stay in good health.

If you would like to learn more about the right solution for your individual hair loss please email or call me to set up a private and personal consultation with one of my consultation specialists. Or to get your free copy of my Personal Hair Loss Evaluation eBook Guide, which helps determine your loss and best-personalized solution, all you need to do is sign up for my blog

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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