Do I Need A Trichologist or A Dermatologist?

Trichologist near me

A commonly asked question we hear is, “What is the difference between a trichologist and a dermatologist, and do I need a trichologist?” To answer this question, we must first look at what Trichology is and the difference between a dermatologist and a trichologist.


What is Trichology?

Trichology is the scientific study of hair, hair loss, and scalp problems. Trichology was first recognized as a para-medical or non-physician discipline in Britain in 1902.

Nearly a century later, Trichology is being recognized & practiced in the United States. Trichology is commonly thought of as a branch between cosmetology and dermatology.

Spring Hair Shedding

Spring is here – flowers and trees are beginning to bloom, but your hair might be starting to fall. Is this normal seasonal hair shedding or a sign that points to more significant problems?

As the winter comes to an end and the spring months fast approach, so too does seasonal hair shedding. Seeing more hairs than usual on your hairbrush, on the bathroom floor, or in the shower can leave the average man or woman in a bit of a panic. Is this kind of hair loss typical? Should you be concerned?

We shed an average of 80 to 100 hairs every day. This is considered normal, healthy hair shedding. These hairs that are shed are not lost. Instead, they are going through a cycle of growth, transition, and then rest, when hairs release and are shed, before the process repeats. During certain times of the year, you may notice an increase in shedding, especially in the late fall months. This common phenomenon is known as seasonal shedding.

The exact cause of seasonal shedding is unclear, but studies show that seasonal loss affects more women than men and occurs most often during the spring months, like April and May, and sometimes in the fall, September and October.

If you have been properly maintaining your hair and scalp, seasonal shedding usually is not a cause for concern. With time, shedding should stabilize back to normal daily levels, and average hair growth will continue. However, if you have not been correctly caring for your hair and scalp’s specific needs, you could be experiencing symptoms similar to seasonal shedding, which can lead to long-term hair loss.

Which Shampoo Prevents Hair Loss?

It’s a question we hear all the time! You begin noticing more hair than usual collecting in your shower drain or bathroom floor. Or maybe your hair has lost volume or your ponytail has gotten noticeably smaller. You begin to worry, try to figure out what is going on and how you can prevent further hair loss and ultimately get your hair back. The answer must be that the shampoo you are using isn’t the right one and so the obvious next step… “Hey Google – Which shampoo prevents hair loss?”

Thousands of products begin to fill your screen and you are left with determining which is best for you? Which shampoo has the best model with the hair that looks just like you want yours to look? Which shampoo makes the most enticing claims to restore hair that has been lost?

We are here to answer the question once and for all – Which shampoo prevents hair loss?

Does Covid-19 Cause Hair Loss?

We can all agree that 2020 has been a crazy year! More and more individuals are complaining of an increase in hair loss and hair shedding. Due to the increased numbers of people being infected by Covid-19 and the addition of potential symptoms related to Covid-19, the question now becomes – “Does Covid-19 cause hair loss?”

The answer – no…but also Yes!

Huh?!? That doesn’t make much sense. So are you saying, “No, Covid-19 doesn’t cause hair loss, or yes, it does?”

We are saying both. No, hair loss is not a direct symptom of Covid-19. However, over the last six months, we have seen a record number of job losses, increased medication usage, poor diets, and decreased physical activity, all of which have contributed to an unprecedented level of stress due to the onset of Covid-19. This increased level of stress from Covid-19 is now significantly contributing to individuals noticing increased shedding in the shower drain, bathroom floor, or brush.

To help you better understand how the increased levels of stress from Covid-19 affect our hair, we must first understand the basics of hair growth.


“We’re in this together.” – This has been one of the most used phrases in 2020, but what does it mean when it comes to your hair and scalp?

In November we expressed to our guests that months ago, in anticipation of a possible second shutdown, we began working with the governor’s office, in hopes to become deemed an essential business. Our attorneys worked diligently to illuminate that due to the nature of our services, we represent more of a medical center rather than a salon. After a great deal of work, we were pleased to announce that Governor’s office agreed that the services we offer are more of a medical classification and officially deemed us an essential business. This means that in the unlikely scenario of a second wave of business closures we will be able to continue to provide our existing guests with the services they need. 

Over the last several months since reopening our center, we have exceeded every recommended precaution provided by the governor, CDC and Cuyahoga County Board of Health. Our team has relentlessly worked to be sure that when our guests enter our center, they feel safe and remain healthy. We have brought in medical grade disinfectants, to clean after every guest leaves our center, we have contracted with a third party vendor to come in once a month for a full 360° electrostatic spray of our entire building along with having the put a 30 day protective coating on all of our high touch areas that designed to kill any bacteria or viruses before the virus can even land on the surface. All this with one goal in mind to keep our team and our guests healthy and safe – and ultimately remain open.

You fully rely on the fact that we will not only continue to do what we have been doing from the beginning, but have continued to put additional safety protocols in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19 within our organization.

Now We Need Your Help!

With the uptick in Covid-19 cases, it is becoming more and more apparent that we can do everything to protect our team and our guests within the walls of our center, but… if we are truly in this together… we need you to help us when you are outside our center.

As cases of Covid-19 increase it means that where most people may never have know someone with it, now you may not only know someone, but you may have had it yourself. For this reason we have put together a new Covid-19 Protocol for our guests to answer the question…

If you test positive for Covid-19 or are in close contact – when can you return for service?

We know your hair and scalp are important to you. They are just as important to all of our guests and the livelihood of our team. The only way we can stay open is to keep Covid-19 out of our center. Even if we are deemed an essential business, if Covid-19 is brought into our center it no longer matters, as  our number #1 priority – the health & safety of our team and guests remains our main focus. This means we would have to make the tough decision to temporarily close our center for the well being of all.

If you test positive…

You will need to be in isolation for at least 10 days from the date of first symptom(s). (Example: If first date of symptom was on 11/16/20 this is day zero. Ten days would be 11/26/20.)

  • We will need a negative test result prior to returning to our center. If you test positive again (due to the virus being able to show up to 3 months after contracting) a doctor’s note will suffice as long as:
    • You do not have a fever and if symptoms were present, they must be lessening – not getting worse or remaining the same.


If you are in close contact with someone with Covid-19…

If you have been in close contact you will need to remain out of the center for 14 days from last contact with the positive case (48 hours back from first symptom).

  • We will need a negative test result prior to returning to center. A doctor’s note will suffice as long as no symptoms are present.


Better safe than sorry!

If you are showing any of the symptoms of Covid-19 we would rather you contact us to postpone your appointment rather than put others at risk. We trust you, just like you trust us. This means if you have tested positive for Covid-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has please follow the outlined steps above.

Your hair is important – but everyone’s health is much more important. We promise you that if you have to postpone your service for a Covid-19 related reason, our team will work diligently to prioritize you once you can safely re-enter our center.

Take a Covid-19 Self Assessment

The Goal – Together we’ll get through this!

Our heart’s true intention of this information is NOT to create additional fear or anxiety. Rather, it is to continue to work with our team and our guests to accomplish our #1 Priority – The health and safety of our team and our guests. By working together we can continue to take care of all of our guests’ hair and scalp needs. Now more than ever we recognize that not only are we “In this together…” but by working together we WILL get through!

Thank you for your patience, understanding  and your help getting through this. And thank you for continuing to entrust us with all of your hair and scalp needs!

Is Seasonal Hair Shedding A Real Thing?

With fall approaching, you may start to notice an increase in hair shedding. Is this normal seasonal hair shedding, or a sign that points to bigger problems?

As the summer comes to an end and the fall months fast approach, so, too, does seasonal hair shedding. Seeing more hairs than normal on your hairbrush, on the bathroom floor or in the shower can leave the average man or woman in a bit of a panic. Is this kind of hair loss normal? Should you be concerned?

We shed an average of 80 to 100 hairs every day. This is considered normal, healthy hair shedding. These hairs that are shed are not lost. Instead, they are going through a cycle of growth, transition and then rest, when hairs release and are shed, before the process repeats. During certain times of the year, you may notice an increase in shedding, especially in the late fall months. This common phenomenon is known as seasonal shedding.

Does Conditioner Cause Hair Loss?

Conditioner is often seen as one of the most harmless products for hair. It is – unless it is used incorrectly. What if conditioner was the cause of your hair loss in both your growing hair and hair addition hair?

Properly using any product is key to achieving the desired results, but it is the incorrect use of a product that can have undesirable affects.

Welcome Back

We have put together an easy reference guide to help our guests easily understand the changes we have put into place in order to keep our focus on our #1 priority of keeping our team and our guests healthy and safe.

These new changes include, mask wearing, temperature checks, COVID-19 Service Adjustment Fee and many more.

We want to thank you for you for your continual patience, understanding during this very challenging time, and for continuing to trust us with your hair and scalp needs!

Our #1 Priority – Health & Safety

We want our guests to know that we are doing all we can to reinforce our already high standards of cleanliness and sanitation as we do our part to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Our center continues to partner with Your Healthy Spaces, a company who specializes in Total Infection Prevention Solutions (TIPS) that are utilized within every industry and space that need to prevent the spread of germs and infections. Their team is fully certified and trained, to use environmentally safe, non toxic products that leave no residue. Their method of reaching high-level disinfection stems from the latest technological breakthroughs with electrostatic sprayers that are now used in healthcare facilities. As an additional protection,  they add a protective coating on all high touch areas designed to kill any bacteria or viruses before the virus can even land on the surface.

Our team and our guests health and safety will continue to be our #1 priority!

We Will Be Re-opening May 26th!

Thank you for your patience as we finish preparing our center to welcome you back!


We know how anxious and excited our guest are to come in to see us, we want you to know – the feeling is mutual!

It is important for our guests to know – and truly understand – that the safety of our team and our guests is our #1 priority and because of this we are working on the many different aspects and details of re-opening our center.

Our team is preparing the center for your return and we are excited to announce that we will once again begin seeing our guests on Tuesday, May 26th. 

As you can imagine we have a very high volume of requests for appointments. We will begin rescheduling appointment next week. Our team will be reaching out to our guests to reschedule appointments in the order in which our guests missed appointments.

Please be patient with us during this time. We assure you we are doing everything in our power to accommodate our guests as soon, and as safely, as possible.

We look forward to seeing you very soon and we thank you for continuing to trust us with your hair and scalp needs!

We Will Be Wearing Masks…

We want you to know that we care about you, so our team will be wearing masks to protect you during your service. We will also be requiring our guests to wear masks during their visit with us. We ask that you bring your own mask with you – if you forget we will provide you with one. 

Too Hot… Is Not Good!

Each member of our team, and each of our guests, will have their temperature checked prior to entering our building. Your health is important to us, so we will also be asking the following four questions:

» Have you had a cough?

» Have you had a fever?

» Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the past 14 days?

» Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined

Change At Checkout..

We have temporarily paused all cash and check transactions. When we reschedule your appointment, our team will be requesting a credit card to place on file. It will be our pleasure to checkout your services and products and email you your receipt.

Product Returns…

Your hair and scalp will need product – and we will have them when you return!

For the safety of our team and our guests we have temporarily suspended all product returns and exchanges.  We truly appreciate your understanding

We Are Very Excited To Re-Open!

We know how anxious and excited our guest are to come in to see us, we want you to know – the feeling is mutual!

It is important for our guests to know – and truly understand – that the safety of our team and our guests is our #1 priority and because of this we are working on the many different aspects and details of re-opening our center.

We are actively working on adjusting our team’s schedules to meet capacity and safety guidelines. We will be keeping our guests informed via email and our website as to when we will once again begin providing in-person appointments. We will not begin these appointments on May 15 or May 16th. We will have more information on specific date in the upcoming week.

As you can imagine we are experiencing a very high volume of requests for appointments. At this time, we will not be taking requests for appointments.  Once we begin the process of scheduling appointments, our team will be reaching out to our guests by phone to reschedule appointments in the order in which our guests missed appointments.

Please be patient with us during this time. We assure you we are doing everything in our power to accommodate our guests as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you very soon and we thank you for continuing to trust us with your hair and scalp needs!

IMPORTANT: Information On Future Hair Orders

Ordering new hair will change and we want to be sure our guests are fully prepared for these coming changes.

As we look ahead to the future of re-opening our center, we know that our guest will eventually be in need of new hair. We have been in contact with several of our manufacturers and they have notified us that going forward all new orders will average 18-20 weeks of production time this is a very big increase from our normal average 12 week production time. Additionally, as centers like ours begin to re-open across the country many new orders will begin flowing into our manufacturers thus creating the potential for further delays in production times.

Over the last two months we have worked tirelessly to lessen anxieties for our guests by innovating in-home solutions, creating drop off services and keeping our lines of communication open as best as possible. We understand how important your hair is. This information about increased production time is not designed to add to anxiety but rather help you begin to set realistic expectations and prepare for your next steps – Now!

In order to help assist you with this we will begin doing the following:

  • We Will Begin Shipping New Orders: We have already begun to receive some new orders. Beginning the week of May 4th we will begin shipping these to our manufacturers in order to begin the orders and help expedite them through the production process as quickly as possible.
  • New Payment Program: We will be helping spread the payments for our guests who are in need or want to get ahead of things. For those guests who are purchasing one hair addition, we will break up the total payment into four equal payments which will be made on the 1st or 15th of each month. We will NOT be adding any additional charge to use this payment program.

We know that times have been challenging for all. We also know that many of our guests hair have been through a lot over the last 8 weeks. We would encourage you to begin preparing for the future by starting the process of your next hair order.

If you are interested in a quote for a new hair order click the button below and we will be sure to get that over to you ASAP!

Request A Hair Quote

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding during a very challenging time, and we truly thank you for continuing to trust us with your hair & scalp needs!

Update On Our Plan…

Today, in his daily news briefing, Governor Mike DeWine announced that we would not be able to open our center until a TBD date that will not be before May 18th.

We know that this news is not the news that many of our guests were hoping for. Ultimately, we know how important hair and scalp is to everyone and we want to be able to take care of each of you as soon as we can be sure of your safety and the safety of our team.

We want you to know that we continue to work every possible angle to assist our guests during this challenging time and we will continue to do this. 

We will continue to communicate with our guests as quickly and as concisely as we possibly can in the upcoming days/weeks. 

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding during a very challenging time, and we truly thank you for continuing to trust us with your hair & scalp needs!

*New* Drop Off Service

We are currently offering styling and “re-attachment” services. To be clear – we will not be having guests in our center for these services. This service is designed for the guest who either has two hair additions or is willing to ship their hair addition to our center.

Learn More…

Online Store Is Open…

Although we are not sure when we will be able to open to our guests face to face, our online store remains open 24/7. Don’t stop taking care of your hair and scalp. Now, it is even more important than ever to continue to maintain the health of your hair and scalp. We continue to offer free shipping on all orders over $25.

Visit Our Online Store…

Additional In-Home Kit Supplies Available…

If you are in need of additional Adhesive Strips,  Bonding Strips, or other supplies for your In-Home: Hair Care Center, we have added them to our online store. We have also added a few extra products that our guests have been asking about. 

Visit Store…

Learn More About In-Home: Hair Care Kits

We are pleased to announce that our In-Home Hair Care Kits are now available for purchase on our online store! 

Our Kits are designed to act as a bridge between full-service appointments providing a temporary reattachment solution that can last up to 2-3 weeks. We have included extra product to allow for up to (2) re-attachments if need be.

Each kit will come with all the necessary professional products used in our center to remove, clean and temporarily reattach your hair addition within your home. Additionally, our kits will include step-by-step instructions, and a link to a video tutorial specifically designed for your type of attachment.

We have a limited supply of kits, but will add more as they become needed. We would ask that guests refrain from purchasing until 1-week prior to their originally scheduled appointment. Additionally, we will limit the purchase of 1-kit per guest. Remember we are all in this together!

Due to the limited supply of kits and concern for COVID-19, returns will not be accepted on In-Home Hair Care Kits and no refunds will not be issued. All sales are final.

Click To Purchase Kit


We truly appreciate your patience and understanding during a very challenging time, and we thank you for continuing to trust us with your hair & scalp needs!

Phase 1: Pre-Opening Services

First, we want our guests to know how much we miss each of you. We know this time has been a very challenging time – The good news it looks like we are making progress and are close to beginning the process of moving towards a new normal.

So what’s next? We are currently working to put together the plan for re-opening. Much like the governor, we will open our center in phases. Those phases will be detailed out in the upcoming days/weeks. We are able to detail our phase 1 plan today.

Phase 1: Pre-Opening Hair Wearing Services

Beginning next week (week of April 26th) we will begin offering styling and “re-attachment” services. To be clear – we will not be having guests in our center for these services. This service is designed for the guest who either has two hair additions or is willing to ship their hair addition to our center.

For guests who have two hair additions

You can begin requesting appointments via email or by phone for us to clean, style, refresh color and do hair treatments to your second hair addition that is currently at our center. We will also properly prepare the adhesive materials to allow for you to apply your hair addition at your home. Once completed we will ship your hair addition to your home via UPS.

For our guests who only have one hair addition – You will have two options:

  • Begin by requesting an appointment via email or by phone for us to clean, style, refresh color and do hair treatments. You can ship your hair addition to us via UPS and we will provide the service and send back to your home or you can pick up at completion.


  • After requesting and scheduling of your appointment, we can have you drop off your hair addition at our center. We will perform the services on your hair addition and you can return in approximately 75 minutes to pick-up your hair addition.


Request Appointment


We will continue communicating our next phases in the upcoming days and weeks so please stay tuned!

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding during a very challenging time, and we truly thank you for continuing to trust us with your hair & scalp needs!