Give the Gift of Healthier Hair & Scalp


Whether you’re looking for a special holiday gift for someone special or just looking to pamper yourself with a present, we have some ideas to make that holiday search a little easier.

Below are five suggestions that our team has compiled to help you look better, style easier or add health to your scalp and hair.

GHD Styler Flat Ironghd-styler – If you have been using the same flat iron for longer than three years, it may be time get a new one. Over time the temperature control can go bad and create “hot spots,” which can damage your hair. The GHD Styler has a one-of-a-kind thermostat inside constantly keeps the gold plates at the proper temperature to allow straightening on all hair types and lengths. The best part is you can use it to style your hair in a flat sleek look or with the perfect curl. We love that in just 20 seconds the iron is at full heat and ready for styling. A protective plate guard allows you to pack up after use. The GHD Styler also comes with a two-year warranty.

The Gift Of Giving Thanks


“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” –Henry David Thoreau

Many around the Thanksgiving table will barely take the time to enjoy the traditions of the holiday before rushing out to score the best shopping deals.  Recently, we even came across a website that defines Thanksgiving as “a holiday on the fourth Thursday of November that precedes Black Friday.”   Thanksgiving is about so much more than turkey and sales.  It’s about thankfulness and the recognition that we are all blessed with positive things that come our way in life.

Every Thanksgiving as our family gathers to eat more than any human should in one day, we always take the time to reflect on the past year and say thanks for all the blessings in our lives.  With that in mind, we give you the five things we’re most grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Seeing the Sun Through the Clouds – Staying Positive Daily

Do you ever find yourself dwelling on negative things? Nothing seems to be going right and you just can’t find anything positive around you? Or maybe you feel like you just have bad luck. We’ve all been there.

It is very easy to get into a negative mindset… When negative things happen, we continue to think upon the negative, which sets us up for a vicious cycle of negative outcomes. That’s a lot of negativity!

Philippians 4:8 gives us the best principle to bring a positive change to your life, “Think upon good things.” I have a 3-step approach based off of Philippians 4:8 to help you get out of that slump of negative thinking and get back to seeing the positive light in all things. Here is what you need to do:

Camouflaging Thinning Hair

One tip to help you feel better quickly is learning how camouflaging your thinning hair can work for you. I know it can be difficult to hide a bare scalp – it’s still nice out, so we’re not wearing hats quite yet. (Although that time of year is quickly approaching!) My camouflaging trick will help you feel confident and gorgeous, just as you should!

There are a few barriers when trying to cover up thinning hair. Most of us are running around on a daily basis, and with it still being nice out, our bodies sweat or we could experience a few rain showers. These factors can make it difficult to hide hair loss or thinning. Some camouflage makeup can run-off in these situations, but unlike those other products, the physician-developed makeup I suggest using actually seals in place, allowing you to go about your day without any worry and help you continue looking beautiful on the inside and out!

Encouraging inner and outer beauty

This week we’ve talked about taking time to concentrate on ourselves, which we tend to forget at times.  In those times that you need encouragement for both inner and outer beauty, we want to help you.  Here are some tools we think you might find useful – whether it’s internal or external – to help you look and feel beautiful!

The Confident Woman Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations  by Joyce Meyer  

We all need those daily reminders sometime.  In this book, author Joyce Meyer gives great tips on some tough problems that we all face from time to time, ranging from self-image to confidenceissues.  This daily devotional will surely help us keep what matters in perspective – living an abundant life one day at a time.

2016 Instant Happy Notes Boxed Calendar

Who You Are

beautifully made

Too often we are inundated with external messages that tell us who we should be. Pop culture tells us we should be thin and dressed in the latest fashions. Family and friends often expect that we should conform to a belief or career path. The “experts” have published title after title proclaiming all that we should be. It’s rare for these messages to tell the truth: that you’re a beautifully made creation.

Brow Basics: Tips & Tricks for Beautiful Brows

Closeup beautiful woman with eyebrow brush tool on blue

I spend close to 30 minutes each morning putting on my eyebrows , or at least it feels like it, and I am always concerned that they just don’t look right, are not even or look thin. Do you have any tips to help? – Jacki B.

Jacki, this is a great question and a similar issue  that I believe many women experience every day. How do you get your brows to look good without spending so much time without great results? At our most recent styling workshop, my team shared some easy steps to creating the perfect brow… along with some tips & tricks:

Women… It’s Time To Come Together

Cheerful female models smiling at camera on white background

One out of every four women are experiencing some form of hair thinning. What most of those women don’t realize is that they are not alone. As a woman, you relate to other women, you empathize, sympathize, support and care for one another. It is easy, and important for a woman, to be able to share about her life, feelings and relationships. As a woman, you need this as it makes you feel more whole and complete and most important – not alone.

However, when it comes to talking about something as sensitive as hair loss, many times I find that the women I see,on a regular basis, don’t want to talk about it…not even with other women…not even if it meant finding a solution. This in turn leaves many of these women feeling very alone and stuck.

Let me be the first to tell you that if you are experiencing hair loss and have either found or not found a solution – you are NOT alone! On Tuesday, September 29th my center will be offering a styling class. This is an opportunity for women, both who have found a solution and who are considering a solution to come in and be with women who are just like you. It is your opportunity to not only get some great hair tips, but to meet women who can relate to exactly what you are going through. To tell their stories of what they went through before for finding a solution and now that they have a solution. This is your opportunity to not only take advantage of helping your hair look great, but to never feel alone again!

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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What is Beauty?


“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes.  It is not something physical.” – Sophia Loren

The true secret to beauty is found in this quote; the secret being that beauty begins within and I continue to share this message with women of all ages and from every walk of life. The reason beauty begins within is because the mirror inside of you is what reflects back to your mind in the thoughts you think of yourself.  These thoughts reflect from your eyes, word, and confidence (or lack of) for the world to see you which is how you see yourself.

That mirror for so many has cracks and breaks in it due to life’s experiences and your perceptions of those experiences. As you reflect everyday into the mirror, words are spoken from within you to you like; “I am over weight”,  “I never get a break”,  “I am getting old”,  “My hair is a mop”, “No one loves me”, and many other words of ugly self-talk that you may or may not be aware that you are speaking to yourself.  These words can then become your thinking that reflects in your life and your beauty.

So what is the Beauty Treatment for this? 

An Updo Is For You Too!

Beauty Wedding Hairstyle. Bride. Brunette Girl With Curly Hair S

At my hair restoration center, my team and I specialize in helping women restore their hair that has begun to thin or has been lost. I find that my guests don’t necessarily want to stand out with the highest fashion looks, but instead want to look “normal” again. My team and I strive to help our guests not only get back to feeling normal… but more importantly feeling beautiful.

Recently one of my hair restoration specialists, Megan, came to me with a story about a guest she had seen who was struggling with Trichotillomania. Megan explained that our guest had been invited to a formal event and wanted an updo to compliment the gown she planned to wear. She did not feel comfortable going to a regular salon, so her doctor referred her to our center. The guest not only walked out looking beautiful, but more importantly she truly felt special… instead of just normal.

Are You Beautiful or Average?

Would you describe yourself as beautiful? According to Dove, 96 percent of women wouldn’t. In order to get a closer look at this shocking statistic, the brand headed to five global cities — San Francisco, Shanghai, Delhi, London, and São Paulo — to capture women considering their own beauty.

As many of you know, I end each of my posts with “beauty begins within,” because I truly believe that it does. I see so many beautiful women whose beauty is outstanding, but hidden by fear of rejection or ridicule. It hurts my heart that these women can’t see what we see, and that’s why I’ve dedicated my life to helping them see their true beauty. When life gets you down, remember the following:

Don’t Hold Yourself Back

As individuals, we can be our own worst enemy. It can be easy to hold yourself back and say, “I can’t.” Think again! There are ways for you to get rid of these negative thoughts that are holding you back from being all that you can be, and I want to share them with you!

Realize that nothing can hold you back. This is the most important step. If you don’t believe it, then you won’t be open to the idea of being able to accomplish whatever your heart desires. If you believe in yourself, you are opening yourself up to the possibility that anything is achievable (and it is!).  

Camouflaging Thinning Hair

Spring is the perfect time to learn how camouflaging your thinning hair can work for you. I understand that it can be difficult to hide a bare scalp, especially during the spring months when the weather turns nice and we’re no longer wearing heavy clothing or hats. My camouflaging trick will keep you feeling confident and gorgeous, just like a spring flower!

Now, there are a few barriers when “covering up.”  Most of us are running around on a daily basis, our bodies’ sweat, and with the spring season comes rain. These factors can make it difficult to hide hair loss or thinning. Some camouflage makeups run-off in these insistences, but unlike those other products, the physician-developed makeup I suggest using, actually seals in place allowing you to go about your day without any worry and help you continue looking beautiful on the inside and out!

Want to learn more about the camouflage makeup I talked about in my video above, please email or call me to set up a private and personal consultation with one of my consultation specialists. Or to get your free copy of my Personal Hair Loss Evaluation eBook Guide, which helps determine your loss and best-personalized solution, all you need to do is sign up for my blog

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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The Most Beautiful Fabric of All – Your Hair!

Historically women have been inspired by, and talented at working with beautiful fabrics to make anything from ball gowns to children’s quilts to magnificent tapestries. In today’s world there is one fabric that all women have in common, and that’s their hair. Whether it’s changing the world of science or touching lives on a daily basis I believe that all women need to take a moment to think about their hair, and how they can learn to protect and care for it as the fabric that it is.

In the video above I’ll discuss the similarities of your hair and your favorite fabrics.

For additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

Ask Jeffrey: Can Cold Weather Cause Hair Tangling?

Woman in Hat copy

I have been noticing a great deal of tangling in my nape area as well as the underside of my hair. It seems to have increased in the last few weeks. Is it possible that the cold weather is causing my hair to tangle?” Janelle V.

Janelle, thank you for your question! This is an excellent question, and one that I believe many women will benefit from.

The weather in the Cleveland area has definitely turned more frigid…Brrrrr! With that change of weather also comes a change in the clothes that we wear. During the winter months we wear heavier clothes to stay warm, but it can be these added layers that are causing the tangling and friction you are experiencing.

Sweaters, scarves, hats and jackets that are made out of wool or rougher materials are great to keep us warm; however they are also one of the leading contributors to tangles in hair. As you wear these items your hair is constantly rubbing against these materials and articles of clothing, especially in the collar area (nape area) and the underside of your hair. This constant rubbing causes friction and friction leads to tangling. This is very similar to what you can experience at night if you are not sleeping on a satin pillow case (Click Here to read more about friction caused at night).

Combine the heavier clothes and the natural dryness in the air during winter months and you have the perfect combination for dry, tangly hair.

The best way to combat against the friction, tangles and dry hair, is to