Valentine’s Day Prep – Homemade Shaving Cream

Valentines Vintage Handmade Hearts over Wooden Background. Valentine over Wood. Retro Styled Wallpaper. Valentines Day. Paper Tag labeling.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Whether you’re going out for a romantic dinner or staying in for the evening, we all want to look and feel good.

In preparation for your night, I have a recipe to make homemade shaving cream. 


  • 1 cup virgin coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 10 drops essential oil (of your choice)
  • Glass container of your choice


Blend all ingredients together in a blender or stir really well with a fork and place the mixture in your glass container. Make sure to shake well before each use.

If you have a recipe you would like to share, please comment below. Otherwise for more health and wellness tips and recipes, sign up for my blog update here.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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How to Tackle Hair Loss: Part 2

In last week’s blog post, I talked about how you can start to tackle your hair loss right now. If you have begun to collect the hairs that fall out each day, then I want to discuss the next steps.

We want to evaluate various factors or your lifestyle at different times to see how problems might be progressing. You should note that hair loss is related to what happened yesterday – not today. We will likely have forgotten what might have caused it, because the loss becomes noticeable only after the events that triggered it. I encourage my clients to keep a diary or a journal of their hair loss over a ninety-day period – which represents the cycle of hair. I encourage you to do the same before you begin addressing your hair loss concerns constructively, and continue to alter.

Wellness Series: How to Live Pain Free – Part 4

Your health is something that you really need to think about with a total body approach. One of the areas we tend to forget about when working on our posture is our hip flexors. Because most of us sit in an office chair for many hours a day, this creates a tightening in our hips, as well as our back and chest. In our final installment of this video series, today’s stretches with Mark Roozen will show you a stretch that works on your hip flexors and your back.

Using a stick to help with balance and control, begin swinging your leg back and forth. Be sure to standing tall and straight up. By kicking your leg back and forth, you are opening up your hips and allowing your back to straighten.

Want to read more about how to live pain free? Make sure to subscribe to my blog. You can enjoy many other health and wellness tips. For more information on Mark Roozen, check out his blog.

Remember… Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Wellness Series: How to Live Pain Free – Part 3

Sitting in an office all day hunched over your desk, looking at a computer can really cause back pain. This can actually create a domino effect, as back pain can cause a whole new host of health issues. I challenge you to take care of your back with Mark Roozen’s series of back exercises.

Today, I would like to introduce to you stick squats:

  1. Hold a stick with arms apart above your head.
  2. Sit in a chair position (squat), making sure your hands are still above your head, not bending over.
  3. Carefully stand back up with a straight back.
  4. Repeat this squatted position 5-10 times.

This exercise works on your shoulder flexibility, shoulder rotation, posture, core, lower back mobility, and ankle mobility. This will open your backside up so you can get back to work pain free!

For more health and wellness tips, make sure to subscribe to my blog. For more information on Mark Roozen, check out his blog.

Remember… Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Wellness Series: How to Live Pain Free – Part 2

Here is the second installment of my Wellness Series on “How to Live Pain Free.” Did you know that your posture can even affect your breathing? And if you are not getting the right amount of oxygen, it can lead to a host of problems, including making you feel fatigued? Watch this video to experience Mark Roozen’s, our strength and conditioning coach, first exercise to living a pain free life.

  1. Take a stick and place your hand on each end.
  2. Bring your shoulders back by rotating the stick around your head.
  3. Repeat this motion going the other direction.

By doing this motion at home or in your office, it should help straighten your posture and stretch out your back, giving you more energy for your day.

Stay tuned to next week, when I show you the next video in this series. For more health and wellness tips, make sure to subscribe to my blog. For more information on Mark Roozen, please visit his blog.

Remember… Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

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Wellness Series: How to Live Pain Free – Part 1

I want to share with you some wonderful health and wellness tips from my friend, Mark Roozen. Over the next few weeks, I am going to show you a video series in which he will be our strength and conditioning coach. Mark is going to walk us through some easy steps to living a pain free life, using different exercises we can do at home or at work to help straighten our backs.

Because many of us spend a significant amount of time sitting, we often have tight, painful back issues. I am confident this series is going to help us sit up straight and live pain free!

For more health and wellness tips make sure to subscribe to my blog. For more information on Mark Roozen, please visit his blog.

Remember… Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

Jeffrey Paul Facebook Jeffrey Paul Twitter Jeffrey Paul YouTube Channel Jeffrey Paul Pinterest  Untitled-3

Up Close and Personal


Friends, our world is changing. This digital age has opened up doors that I never dreamed possible, and I am so grateful for it. I’ve been working with some exciting technology, and I can’t wait to use it to share my messages and experiences with all of you!

This new technology will allow me to share even more timely and personal messages with you all. Starting next week, watch for some new posts and videos from me, and then let me know what you think in the comments. Be sure to share this with all of your friends, colleagues, and family members, because there will be valuable content for everyone!

One last note… Go “Like” us on Facebook to stay up-to-date and see even more great posts with our Facebook Live broadcasts!

The best is yet to come!

Remember… Beauty & Change Begin Within,
Jeffrey Paul

Creating a Fresh, New Beauty Routine

Not all beauty routines are created equal, and it’s important to revamp your current beauty routine at times. Let’s review some of the basics.

Water is a crucial part of our daily lives and beauty routines. Our skin and hair depend on it to stay healthy and moisturized. We need to use water in these routines…not just any water though. Some water that comes out of faucets contains harmful chemicals such as chlorine which can cause hair to turn a greenish tone and copper which can cause hair to have an orangish tint. Water that contains those chemicals will do more damage than good when it comes to skin and hair, including making hair dry, brittle and creating more tangles. I suggest investing in a shower de-chlorinator.  For more tips on how a change in water can start your beauty routine off right…check out my video above!

For additional beauty tips please click here or follow me on:

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Remember…Beauty & Change Begin Within,

– Jeffrey Paul 

Live Your Playlist – Part 2

In case you missed our post yesterday, I recently had the opportunity to interview Emmy-nominated journalist, broadcaster, producer, film critic, speaker, and author Andrea Vecchio. If you didn’t see Live Your Playlist – Part 1, I highly encourage you to do so now (see under “Resources” below). Then, you can enjoy Part 2 in this post.

As you saw in Part 1, Andrea is an incredible person who has overcome incredible obstacles. Overcoming the career, relational, and health hurdles all within such a short time is amazing. It is our hope that you will hear her story of perseverance and strength to help guide you in any struggles you may be facing – whether it’s hair thinning or loss, career or personal issues, or whatever may be weighing on you and causing stress in your life.

Live Your Playlist – Part 1

Andrea_interview_part_2_capture_FINAL WITH BANNER
As I mentioned last week, I have a special guest joining me in this week’s posts! In the above videos, I had the incredible opportunity to interview Emmy-nominated journalist, broadcaster, producer, film critic, speaker, and author Andrea Vecchio. Having interviewed Hollywood’s elite, traveling all over to bring the latest stories, Andrea has now written an amazing book and does speaking engagements around the country. What will amaze you, as it does me, is her story. While everything was seemingly going well in her life, a two-week span caused her life to come to a screeching halt when she found herself in the midst of career, relational, and health chaos.

But her story doesn’t end there. It is not only inspirational but also motivational, as she pulled herself up from the ashes to live a beautiful and fulfilling life. Although she is in high demand, she was able to sit down for a few minutes and have a conversation with me to share her story of heartache, sacrifice, and, ultimately, how we must empower ourselves to live our lives.

Are You Ready to Be Inspired?

We have a treat in store for you! Next week I am gong to introduce you to Andrea Vecchio.  Andrea is an Emmy-nominated journalist who has served as a television broadcaster, producer, and film critic. During this time, she had the opportunity to interview countless celebrities around the world, including such household names as Meryl Streep, Russell Crowe, Robert DiNiro, Jennifer Aniston, to name a few.

While everything was seemingly going well in her life, a two-week span caused her life to come to a screeching halt. She found herself in the midst of career, relational, and health chaos.

Interview with A. Vecchio, author of Live Your Playlist

I had the amazing opportunity to interview Andrea to discuss how she pulled herself up from the ashes to live a beautiful and fulfilling life. Next week we are going to air a 2-part interview series, and I am confident that her book, Live Your Playlist, and her message will resonate with everyone. She talks about all of the hard subjects – dealing with bad relationships, overcoming self-doubt, making huge changes in your life, forgiving others, and so much more.

Who You Are

beautifully made

Too often we are inundated with external messages that tell us who we should be. Pop culture tells us we should be thin and dressed in the latest fashions. Family and friends often expect that we should conform to a belief or career path. The “experts” have published title after title proclaiming all that we should be. It’s rare for these messages to tell the truth: that you’re a beautifully made creation.

Daily habit helpers

Establishing a New Habit

As we’ve been thinking this week about the importance of establishing a daily habit of quietness, reflection, and prayer, we stepped back to think about what makes our own quiet moments special. These are some of our favorite helping tools for quiet time, perhaps they’ll help you too.


There isn’t much in life that music doesn’t enhance, don’t you agree? This is an album of soft, sacred music perfectly arranged to create an ambiance for just the kind of quiet moments I talked about in the video earlier this week. Perhaps you have your own preferred genre, I encourage you to pick a particular album and reserve it just for this quiet time.

The daily habit you need to get where you’re going

Do you ever wonder where you are going in life?  Wouldn’t it be easier if there was a road map, guiding us down the correct paths and avoiding those that would cause disappointment, harm, or trouble? Wouldn’t it be easier to tailor our daily habits and choices if we knew exactly where we’re headed?

While we’re not born with a tangible map to hold in our hands, we are born with the guidance of something else – our Creator.  Instead of the broken puzzle pieces that we would be without Him, if we stop, listen, and trust in Him to lead us, we will find our greatest destinations in life.  With His help, we are no longer broken and jumbled, rather we are complete and will find great blessings.

Great tools for a great year!

daily planner reflectionToday is a great day to have a great day…and this is a great year to have a great year! Welcome to 2016, friends!

It’s that time again! Time to set your intentions and make plans for a healthier new year. How has your reflection and planning gone? Did you take some time to think about the past year – about what’s been working and what’s not working so well? What’s been your key learning from the year we just closed? I’ve got some great things planned for this year, I hope you’ll join us each and every week as we bring inspiration and tools for a healthier, beautiful you.